Артбук к Hyperdimension Neptunia. / Hyperdimension Neptunia (Choujigen Game Neptune) :: artbook :: Anime (Аниме)

Hyperdimension Neptunia artbook ...Anime 

Артбук к Hyperdimension Neptunia.

Setting Materials
Rough Sketches
Table of contents
Purple Hear!.......................03/
Green Heart........................ 05

ütos ttíÉfli) (äisösteif у!^ш№яяй1Й1»
Itegß toa? (йшпш^ säte *m '¡tosivillityite v таийдга <üu¡to@ lïôii)æ(fe)(igiiti Mfflii {рак c Ш*е& щ|Ё%(ШЁЧр818шй <^Шва& Шъ> í&tefc te ¿tejg («nina» imfe> Ш Р@1ш№ ЩЙ1ЙЙШ
Ш, lysSSHdltV/
t» ®айайшщ> site itesaiifâfe ашо© aalt«« шй <Й*й*ИЭЩ, 6ИВ
iTiajptílíta®	®¡m< QêalÊaâ иа^(й<М©йй1
í^fitote ^ea№ü% ffiögte liar (piptlla? аШшйг
1!аа?шй8щ ЫКМ ib m^t-x liar m вщш? püffiáty äi® Ibv'xaÿpüïfâË ösüi© i«sfl№ vafeas© t¡ aSfetíte litar 'MKty as a (рвИша. <Sa»ifâÉ>, asaba®, aná a.eap a*-lixaf Шй§@ âasioil 1foaaasw§& äia mm irasfii рш» «süEöiteß
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азкш ife lisöfeg» овшщ?	aiteurt? Iteoeslü
itefe @lfe® за аааййш Píte шзш, ate шло
«НёййШ Йв Кш?Шз1ШбШ. äiiäfe ©язя itewgro^ (teoteF © aaö «Éaaffiíls ЩЙШ? teaaiHseifa» gräte© àtewgiôlte^.
Black H

Anime,Аниме,Hyperdimension Neptunia,Choujigen Game Neptune,artbook
Âgjfl fflüfe	i3nL«Aft®ölßJ ÆSlïlIJ© Зл11П'«|^ 'íflt?'
Items di©egffia 3«© зяапв dggfe ай*) mi-tóse дщ шм ö® фт «ш © mm Огеш âfr^è шш äi <йиш& (йзг'^ё11(ша)9иМ| еш*г*ш& itese чйИЬ flte ifëfiraài© №ши&
fe «ш? йи@ (ёщ, até iiïëiamè 11Ш© tfclis? гяяГмрм»/ tiiiöitäü, Ш@ te© ®eâMlafflll «¡líiai© ¿¡©шя
&	rates; штIfe шашй (tecs
ratsrifâ, ttfcrÄsügi) iteffögwä^ átete pírate) © ratëte imi^^itößraJteslp sote! te <шё% «susdite ©га (te® «Atef 1«ш4 Sí«®® átete Itesra üraadHrag gftga® üt.if a® fefigb áteesrolte© ШВ а§Шйаай(&а^ва^М ills «ítífe fflß> apter«®i& lite)'-) (ЙЩрШ©Ш&1 (§агцр Ш|ь<3|й1'М®М,
ídfc©	{jsyai-aüa»© gogapoaál ©oots)
(Saras? «('(íte i¡w£s№i!B «site ®$i¡g fs? mar	fe áiBaitSta») tt«i ohebw (fewa©
Ite te iísSS3¡? osBinsaft® aníl «a© «íftfí© íte «^fis^áísffla,

rfoire/Histoire,Anime,Аниме,Hyperdimension Neptunia,Choujigen Game
Processor Units
y\ >
Illustration,Anime,Аниме,Hyperdimension Neptunia,Choujigen Game Neptune,artbook
Anime,Аниме,Hyperdimension Neptunia,Choujigen Game Neptune,artbook
Planeptune	tóntál IОiГ !^Щ-Л§ l>Ö®@PCS§
toá @0 ЁОзШ №èjé1IUui
(Laus) ®í? Miffie ©эшЩд,Anime,Аниме,Hyperdimension Neptunia,Choujigen Game Neptune,artbook
INI Neptune: Detailed Settings
Neptune Console Specs
[4~ Operation System
Conversational Operations: A.I. Model Neptune
it provides various complex support functions via an autonomous A.I.
Even a simile auditory command wii cause it to automatically configuro advanoed retwork settings.

O цЬ, X.ntn"T-*-
"Ль	*'*'**
О <^лА%Л»1в*М Tií-
%% t	♦* t> Ä» * ■*•''■’•» 1 * ■
Rough Sketches: Purple Heart
!в,Anime,Аниме,Hyperdimension Neptunia,Choujigen Game Neptune,artbook
Anime,Аниме,Hyperdimension Neptunia,Choujigen Game Neptune,artbook
f Rough Sketches: Blanc/White Heart,Anime,Аниме,Hyperdimension Neptunia,Choujigen Game Neptune,artbook
( Rough Sketches: IF/Compa
Hi,Anime,Аниме,Hyperdimension Neptunia,Choujigen Game Neptune,artbook
Anime,Аниме,Hyperdimension Neptunia,Choujigen Game Neptune,artbook
Anime,Аниме,Hyperdimension Neptunia,Choujigen Game Neptune,artbook

^gWs^ÿWarning-:- Setting Materials Rough Sketches Table of contents Neptune.............................02 Purple Hear!.......................03/ vert.......................;::;.;.'V04 Green Heart........................ 05 Noir................................06 Black Heart.........................07 Blanc...............................08 White Heart.........................09 Gust.......................T'.TT.TT. 10 Nisa................................11 IF..................................12 Compa..............................13 Arfoire/Histoire....................14 Processor Units..............>.....1 b Illustration........................17 Costumes 18 Weapons'Guns................. Planet Illustrations................20 Neptune: Detailed Setting..........f22 Neptune...................23£ Purple Heart........ Gust/Nisa........... Vert/Green Heart , , Noire/Black Heart....../.....// ^/28 Blanc/Wh te Heart ........... IF/Compa...............!..!f S ' 1.33 Histoire/Arfoire....[.t.......!f:':....S'..... 34j / f / j Initial Concept Ideas^fy............35J Scriobles. ...........^36i This art bcok contains spoilers. We recommend you read it after your first playthroughA «Г*
 eptune ütos ttíÉfli) (äisösteif у!^ш№яяй1Й1» Itegß toa? (йшпш^ säte *m '¡tosivillityite v таийдга <üu¡to@ lïôii)æ(fe)(igiiti Mfflii {рак c Ш*е& щ|Ё%(ШЁЧр818шй <^Шва& Шъ> í&tefc te ¿tejg («nina» imfe> Ш Р@1ш№ ЩЙ1ЙЙШ Ш, lysSSHdltV/ t» ®айайшщ> site itesaiifâfe ашо© aalt«« шй <Й*й*ИЭЩ, 6ИВ <$Г.> ейП) Ite ©шар (ЙЙМйш
iTiajptílíta® ®¡m< QêalÊaâ иа^(й<М©йй1 í^fitote ^ea№ü% ffiögte liar (piptlla? аШшйг 1!аа?шй8щ ЫКМ ib m^t-x liar m вщш? püffiáty äi® Ibv'xaÿpüïfâË ösüi© i«sfl№ vafeas© t¡ aSfetíte litar 'MKty as a (рвИша. <Sa»ifâÉ>, asaba®, aná a.eap a*-lixaf Шй§@ âasioil 1foaaasw§& äia mm irasfii рш» «süEöiteß sotó) ífeattr r^irfiaielfe ä intoii^ïfâfeaB '¡¡¡fi® ад^шеш itossß <gft3t@ isa%v^fe -ti Mim m@i тттш^шзШт iïi® тяШШШ \ттвт liíia^Mtsjfaa^i: <шй1 IßffiNigislir «Uife ©к® IKâdaiilîlfe 9ЙЙШВ® liáfeá. №J®ß © íféííi ®?«öätaiH^ áí® 1»шх% ©в®? Itööiüag IfeUitea«, !«uê âix§ «tesë »за© ЙЯёВШвш Ш fis? mamaste
ШМ\Ж № liÄ (ШШй§1|Ш'г Ш» (âifofè ЩШ& Щ © liât«föießtigiteft <§f№@® eff &®p dl азкш ife lisöfeg» овшщ? aiteurt? Iteoeslü itefe @lfe® за аааййш Píte шзш, ate шло «НёййШ Йв Кш?Шз1ШбШ. äiiäfe ©язя itewgro^ (teoteF © aaö «Éaaffiíls ЩЙШ? teaaiHseifa» gräte© àtewgiôlte^. Olr€ L*ài I Black H / t

Âgjfl fflüfe i3nL«Aft®ölßJ ÆSlïlIJ© Зл11П'«|^ 'íflt?' Items di©egffia 3«© зяапв dggfe ай*) mi-tóse дщ шм ö® фт «ш © mm Огеш âfr^è шш äi <йиш& (йзг'^ё11(ша)9иМ| еш*г*ш& itese чйИЬ flte ifëfiraài© №ши& fe «ш? йи@ (ёщ, até iiïëiamè 11Ш© tfclis? гяяГмрм»/ tiiiöitäü, Ш@ te© ®eâMlafflll «¡líiai© ¿¡©шя «1Швязи» №» ФЕЙ? «iwiitíl äi© I внУ 'í«- «ritetees «pijama <£ещвд ¿»This
& rates; штIfe шашй (tecs ratsrifâ, ttfcrÄsügi) iteffögwä^ átete pírate) © ratëte imi^^itößraJteslp sote! te <шё% «susdite ©га (te® «Atef 1«ш4 Sí«®® átete Itesra üraadHrag gftga® üt.if a® fefigb áteesrolte© ШВ а§Шйаай(&а^ва^М ills «ítífe fflß> apter«®i& lite)'-) (ЙЩрШ©Ш&1 (§агцр Ш|ь<3|й1'М®М, again ife ife© (»jin ¡tes ашп© raeMäDaigiiv, ite áMtnte («Ш! itetèfe tlteltete ante ate! «tete, ate! áte te щдгШЩйЮршаёй iß uäteb
íastíapGBOTBál ídfc© {jsyai-aüa»© gogapoaál ©oots) (Saras? «('(íte i¡w£s№i!B «site ®$i¡g fs? mar fe áiBaitSta») tt«i ohebw (fewa© Ite te iísSS3¡? osBinsaft® aníl «a© «íftfí© íte «^fis^áísffla, Brome] ímefa] ímc rfoire/Histoire
M Processor Units y\ > Illustration

Planeptune tóntál IОiГ !^Щ-Л§ l>Ö®@PCS§ toá @0 ЁОзШ №èjé1IUui (Laus) ®í? Miffie ©эшЩд
INI Neptune: Detailed Settings Neptune Console Specs [4~ Operation System Conversational Operations: A.I. Model Neptune it provides various complex support functions via an autonomous A.I. Even a simile auditory command wii cause it to automatically configuro advanoed retwork settings. The lorger you and the machine work together and communicate, the more it will adapt to your preferences and ca'ry cut your requests with minimal error. % A.I. Model Neptune was made to emulate a real human as accurately as possible. It is always aneigetic and optimistic, Out this configuration may be difficult to control at times. Please maintain patience win it. 4- Processor The Sixth Generation Multi-BIOS Chip (512.16THz~) Features nultip e split-core processors and circuitry setups mimic<ing the precise functions of human DNA. Please be careful of tie following: (1) Do not tty to raise the clock frequency with suopleniertal ove'clocking drugs. (2) The more software gets activated, the better the crcuitry will acclimate. There is a possibility some redundant tasks may stop being processed ever if they were upon in tial hoot. ^4" Memory 8TB X 16 [4- Storage 8PB x 4 There are four incependent drives which constantly back one another up for minimal data loss and frequent disk defragmenting. A total of thirty-two petabytes of storage space ic available. jf Media Drive Embedded with Quad PRD (Purple-Ray Disc) Drive Plays 4D games, audio, and movies, with the ability to simultaneously record them. You can play mufti-disc games without replacing discs. [4- Battery Features Self Auto-Recharging Unit (50-Year Warranty) # You can use the extra power remairing during Stand-by Mods and apply it to your lousehcld appliances. [4~ Output With Ihe Play Controller, its able to output nfonmation such as novies aid music databases, and lioke you. Includes Play Controller x1, Power Cable x1 I I mu 1 Processor Memory: The Sixth Generation Neuron Memory (120gn) Power Cable (Multi-Tap) % There are 1 ,?00,c00,000 nervous memory functions emboeded in each split-core processor unit. 4- Graphic Accelerator SFHD - X7250 GPU Direct image output comoatible. /
 O цЬ, X.ntn"T-*- "Ль *'*'** О <^лА%Л»1в*М Tií- utaüKMk t»->T»vHh Г NtPTOMt _ íáen- ^■*ЛЙГО) büPTWbSU ífc %% t ♦* t> Ä» * ■*•''■’•» 1 * ■ Rough Sketches: Purple Heart !в

\ f Rough Sketches: Blanc/White Heart
( Rough Sketches: IF/Compa <>r-1 Ul*l« Hi

Anime,Аниме,Hyperdimension Neptunia,Choujigen Game Neptune,artbook
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