Ды я просто не пойму,что у него с ногой. Вроде никто не ломал. Или по неврологии это у него(из-за пули в голове). Роман сам не читал,поэтому не знаю,вдруг там поясняли.
Она помогает ему ходить, т.к. в "обычном" режиме можно считать, что он калека) + трость напичкана всякой фигнёй)
Modified crutch: It is the crutch Accelerator always uses to support his body when his esper ability is off. It contains a small motor and weight distribution sensors, allowing for it to determine the center of gravity. Instead of a single leg like a regular crutch, it ends with four legs attached to its end like a microphone stand, which according to the narration "holds the ground" helping Accelerator to get him up when he is down. The staff along with the four legs can be retracted in and out of the cuff. But its more imortant feature is a component inserted by Accelerator that blocks other interference devices. The crutch allows for Accelerator to block specific wavelengths after successfully analyzing it and using the equipment of the crutch, an interference wavelength can be reverse- engineered to specifically block that wavelength.
Modified crutch: It is the crutch Accelerator always uses to support his body when his esper ability is off. It contains a small motor and weight distribution sensors, allowing for it to determine the center of gravity. Instead of a single leg like a regular crutch, it ends with four legs attached to its end like a microphone stand, which according to the narration "holds the ground" helping Accelerator to get him up when he is down. The staff along with the four legs can be retracted in and out of the cuff. But its more imortant feature is a component inserted by Accelerator that blocks other interference devices. The crutch allows for Accelerator to block specific wavelengths after successfully analyzing it and using the equipment of the crutch, an interference wavelength can be reverse- engineered to specifically block that wavelength.