Gensokyo Christmas!,Film & Animation,,Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Big Thanks to Megabubu for production support in so many ways, and @jkittymeow for the cute Sanae and Reimu voice! happy holidays! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rig
Touhou Animation - The Donation Box, But Super Shotgun.,Film & Animation,,Ah, yes. Another meme template Original from this "Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Reimu Reveal Trailer(?)" Software used: Autodesk Maya 2020 BGM: David Levy - The Ancient Gods II Intro Rig
Motteke! Sailor Fuku (Sanae),Film & Animation,,Kochiya Sanae, The Miracle Shrine Maiden character model rig for Autodesk Maya is fully released! ???? ▶︎▶︎DOWNLOAD▶︎▶︎ Sanae rig has a casual body like Reimu rig, but als