monmusu collection A««/Aft*« shark race t»U5i£S$0T¥lltf^i»0AB0$ «e£*ftlcB£0AB0*T?l»Ul^££l3£o ittttt»aT?i»WoBtt3»JKt^u0ir^^UT: urcE>Ll^Sigl^z.'Cl^6LlVi$<hi5)b<> T¥B0«*ttlM»,cai*TU 'Src^^lZx'J^-KS^ ^IcBttftlZfcfircttSSUo eel race ^7<D£oi cj(i\jMt £ftoABoAB<tUC tt^U<B±Tr0irBJ mso-aaeto-A&w ±lctt>80tt3Btf£<f KDRasCiMIl/ U«^0tt5S^5pJffl ffitffSill/CfctA ZTzZVtfltttfn 8lCfcUl\5UCA£©WT? AW»5.*»I 3)k*l ABB Fresh wafer classy.~:, i i sag£;Sic£(i if ! §■ TS-fBKl&A f \ M jatasatKS« \ ! ><5 wicjn^Bi'SxiS^B \ LB JI|/\£1R£UCU5A \^PI y'7 mtfitoaot.&tiizzvm \< awMci^h-r^ttiiw*» \ T§«WoH»MSAB£UAT№l»* \Tr£fii£££UwSo ±^B^AF^xT¥ #^B0№«b jWC£3SUT U5«B07c «KPi-fCCDir «Hi*f»#oW)r Ul^£*.;§oCU niiB±Tr0O¥HSIiRr fnz?a5SoB±T?©» «UCBS*^«« **«««• bums U^tO<bUfctt5STrlB*>n T^IC&oTU5<,fIB£f*T? tS<D T ABSfiJ £$? A/C£Dx £ 7c T A B«j<p«fca^ggiicfnru Jjt 5o-0att£ABIi3fi lg&£№M0*il 4au*©l**>fc:M* ^wB0ck5lc^^^l/r^5. A%№
monmusu collection Mermaids Mermaid Subspecies- Aim" ■ flirt shark race S3Xnv «UiJ<!:R©T¥»*'!8»©Al&©S a. h^wic*» noAmotpz-mz u t4t§IS?¥gTISi8ft:l„gl3iS8$3;tfU©iT^?Lr U7c6H,W.SfilJexTt'S6Ut'oBit|5|C.<. T¥S©#fgi;iiJ?'B-eai*-ti' _ 5fc»**cyyir-KSS A non-humanTspedesiwithitfieupper body'of a human and lower.body of a fish. Bec'auseTtlney!live;inlthe;waterMhey haveytrouble moving on land, bp^as^long.as jheir gills remain moist, they are able to breathe aboveAwater.--Most, mermaids use wheelchairsJto geraround on land. To.pTeventitheif boci ies f romdrying outlthey are covere^in a-moist mucus which keepslthem wet. Their entire specieslloves the 4TVl' t£ f*W~i ff 'J ^ ' /-S y'ltLr*‘- 'A y \ -K ^ *• * V 4 "Little Mermaid’!;fairyitale and longs for.a tragic love like the oneidepicted inithelstory.^Standardjmermaids.liveJmthewatersTof-warm ("+ ;X| / ( A ij JL / /, -—( ^ ± N»'1 — — ^ B # ■ A « tropical pc^ans^and^^ryS^^^nd(fins^^^^olorful,'l^p trqdca^fishT j ^ ( eel race Mermaidsiwith'sha^p teettiand the*Iower body of a shark:^fia/kTrri^^aids are entirely carnivorousira ra'reTraiLamonglthelpredominantly omnivorousfmermaidsTlTheir personalities are'wildfaTid aggfessiveVlhithe^past they engaged in’pirate|liRe:actTvitiesffeut morefrecently they haveibegun.to'abstain from piracy. Like sharksfthefskeletorvimtheir lower bodies is made of cartilage,¿making¡them«/5™ delicate. - >• —, i-resh watercla&rv ' 1 * —* ” ", , ¿a They are’imentally weak) as well. Fres If WaterlC I ass i-SC'tC' Ut^vtr-y« «HitUCJSO. it?-®«»*'* SlcfclU\5 LC A® ©Mr- SUgfciSlc^ft ■T5-«W&A _______ git 13 US (ASM Unlike sta^dard^mermaiSs^which reside in warm Iqreffi waters^these'mermaids regularly travel from rivers'to oceans and'back again. These stoTc~mermaid?'never^give up their,journeylregardless'of any'fierce rapids ojswaterfalls thatJmayistandlinrtK'eir way" Because*of-this, theyKav^^im:and fiV bodies'. Their cblors!are'.more:muted than those of standard mermaids.mm*1f .-- ./ ^»^L'Ah-r^y^in»©? Vti, \ \ H '- _ . ®»-®B3it.A®l3№Oo?©fc»8»l;t§l£S8ioa' tel KacegtftaroisicC-^^^^r - -»wsAridttkArttiB __ _____ ___________ MermaidsTwith’long’bodies like thejamia. Uhlikerrndst7nermaids,,they have no trouble living on land. BecauscTthey produceleven more] mucus thah^standafd’rh'ernhaids, they have trouble.wearingVnosmdthes^ Their massage techniques utilizihgltheirimucusfare highly!- advanced, and their mucus possesses cosmetic propertiesfa*sTwell,imaking them popular among other^merrriaiis%l hey have^a^-tremendous amount of stamina and often stay up all night, maKinglthem sleep-deprived most of the time.
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