23. Naka -Its i Anonymous 04/27(14(3un)00:57:55 No.12074057 e: kiss.gf.fte flg.tttess.tofl (12 KB, 800x480) Anonymous 04/27/14(Sun)02:11:55 No.12074194 Anonymous 04/25/14(Fri)21 38:51 No.12070148 04/27/14(8un)02:12:50 No.12074197 I canl slop laughing. i going to follow you; Anonymous 04/27/14(Sun)00:58:42 No.12074059 »12074057 You equipped a damecon on her right? Anonymous 04/28/14(Mon)19:08:04 No. 12078047 1398679001077 ona (400 KB, 799x478)____________ Anonymous 04/27/14(8un)00:59:34 No.12074063 Anonymous 04/27/14(8un)00:59:45 No.12074064 11 trusted her; Anonymous 04/27/14(8un)22.50:54 No.12076915 & ILL jsJLSflnv iPil (22 KB. 800x480)______________ I her again? Anonymous 04/27/14(Sun)22:52:09 No.12076919 »12076915 Back to LSC for you. Anonymous 04/27/14(8un)22:54:19 No.12076931 □ Anonymous Q4/28/14(Mon)20:09:57 No.12078130 So a friend of mine got banned because his net t sweet prince forever? Anonymous 04/27/14<Sun)22:22:28 No.12076831 OHFUCK Anonymous 04/27/14(Sun)22:22:52 No.12076832 ; 04/27/14(Sun)22:23:16 No.12076833 Anonymous 04/27/14(Sun)22:23:55 No.12076835 my y PIPN7 i you I \LI5TEN?\ Anonymous 04/27/14(Sun)22:26:21 No.12076839 Anonymous 04/27/14(Sun)22:28:24 No.12076845 e: it's raining jpg (91 KB. 1280x720) nymous 04/27/14(Sun)22:29.50 No.12076853 Anonymous 04/27/14(Sun)22:28:47 No.12076846 »12076846 Whatitie fuck, I thought »12076833 was Formation \ Anonymous 04/27/14(Sun)02.26:54 No.12074234 »12074199 (✓) Midway is months away. (I cant believe this is fucking true) [✓j 50k resources is enough (1 think the event ends at E-3, the other two; supplementary and for those who wants challenge.) [✓1 Levels dom matter [✓] You are too paranoid. Anonymous 04/27/14(Sun)02:13:26 No.12074199 Midway is months away. flbu arejtooTparanoidl Levels don't matter!
Summer 2014 AL/MI Losses «ms« ifcWcEXP - S®x>-tíJUS*W Let this post represent the many, many admirals who fell in the Great Locking System Turkey Shoot. 25091 wises 10185 0 ftwLvt' 1 “■ »¡«i.v t 11128 {¡I ' 84 il 10290 p5 ÄSAL** wjw» mt’M Amatsukaze ■ Seaman .¿^rgmwwwwwwwwwvvwj Menemy • R«: What ar ChitfPrtyOfflior Scrapping Zty working hard to o©tvr»iftj i your roeont failures or idiocy? through that daily i DivineAxis Re: What are your recent failures or Idiocy? Scrap a^Oyodo by accident alter gening her in less diet ; 2mm. Click too fast ana forgot to lock her L‘7*i >wwwwwt € JHL<5FA/r UkswwwwwwwJ a*»LSFA/ri4?j «iiiiL¿A/rexv;uí7*iej ' • a«0 « >.№■' »I* KinomiCandy Re: What are your recent failures or idiocy? i keot going somewhere at world 5 while atf aioqo was heart* damaged, hoping i Atago died Sial day i going to pass me boss node i lost and iC Apprentice Professional Siee k9catforce Chief Pety Office Re: What are your recent failures or Idiocy? M.A.Mitscher Chief Petty Officer • Re: What are your recant failures or idiocy? Other then my miserable luck in L8C. yesterday, I did something so Wionc that it costed me dearty Ounng Bus event. l was awarcndotfooi. wtirch made me qurte happy I already had 2 Krtaiamis. one ofwhichis cuirentfy atkai Lv 35 The other was a spare at Lv 5 So i had ideas for a rotation ot 3 S8 and 2 CLTs. aimnng ooenmg Torpedoes l was playing one night hut I was hred, working on a fleet wan the inlent on lere&ng the spare td, Kitak ami and the new erf Ooi They both had recently been raised to Kai status and outtfled with Midget Subs 8u! in one base they were both lowered to red, and in my erttaushon, I clicked to ‘Advance* MnMng me game was askmg me io go to Day or Nignt Baffle and I had no intent to fight a Night Baffle as soon as the game goes back to me map I woke up and teamed what a dumb mistake I did. Naturally the ne«i battle involved 3 Abyssal Carriers, and of course theu opening aiistrlke goes straight to both of my CLTs and they get sunk at the opening of the batse Jedo# ewty Registered Re: (Operation AL/MI] Casualty Report I didn't miscBck. you would stilt be in my roster. You van be missed; ■ 08-24-2014. AkiyamaMio • Chief PeBy Officer Re: [Operation AL/MI] Casualty Report irumlzuklxtiue I was sparkling another ship m I d is soon to be remodeled; she will be used from < showed up got hearttoiked- Theleastli The current dock status I accidentally scrapped i (Operation AL/MI] Casualty Report •3fodder 1-1 DDIne-l Chief Petty Officer nonyi»ouB06/11/t4(Mon)16:59:57 No.12357907 ► »»12»79tO»12357914 >»123S79«S»»12357827 So there's news going about lhat there's a bug going on with the combine Heel maps of Ml that prevent you from seeing the damage you take horn the arieal phase untl you •pfHWis-er. [Mirtwj¿n«**c*iUT>*«:s'MttL »BftrtTici5L>Tr<» i=№»t*=ra«Wjí*r. aa±?3faífK«í¿fl*«Rs-ci>*r.c:^i»»>iíoT*uiRaw*ttA, Anonymous 06/10/14(Sun)000252 No12348835 ► >.12348839 >>123«S8«0 »»123*8041 »1234864? »1234884« »123«8$46 »12348847 Holy «hi« I fucked yup so fucking bad holy shit someone help fock im going to kill myself oghy my god. I was about to start E3. my escort fleet had one AL ship, i got a text error, so I assumed all ships needed to be AL, so I sent them to AL and refreshed, all AL tagged, now I just realised they NEED TO no« be AL. . finished for me holy fucking shit, r hate life i hate this game stupid fucking lock mechanic oh my god □ Anonymous 06/17/14(Sun)18:23:03 No. 12382654 ► »1233266« I had a ws* by the police just now. apparently the neighbor thinks some domestic violence is occurring in my place but ds all just thanks to this fucking E6 run motherfuckmg shitty map wont let me pass preboss, fuck you dev. fuck you god. fuck you luck report that I accidently dismantled Isokaze KB. £00.480) If you donl dear E-6, now I can be the target of your "At least I'm not that guy.' Hour #eo byxeioiu i08/10/14(Sun)15:22:32 No 12352312 ► ..123S23is»i 2352313 »12852322 »1 21 feel. 3532 ammo. 8284 steel. 1504 bauxite. and 519 buckets on E-1 alone Did I fucked up? I □ Anonymous Q6/IO/14(Sun}15'.23:15 №>.12352315 I □ Anonymous Q8/18/!4(Mon)15:2655 N0.112351916 RIP Suzuye. your sacrifice wont be in vain. Finally cleared e-6. but lost M 82 chitose with reppu-601, reppu, egusa • 108/28f14(Thu)17.01.12 No.12424562 ionymous08/14/14(Thu)20 34 46 No 12371009 ► »12371 on Is there another way to get a Fleet Command Facibty? I thought I Long story short, I lost it when the ship sank. What is the LOS requirement for reaching E-2 boss node? I have 308 total LOS and it doesnt seem to be enough. I'm running the north route with both CVL as Reppuu mule to lessen the damage from Wo. Yasen node always deal scratch damage to me. but I get sent o* the boss node every time. I donl have CAVs to be running the south route either. I'm considering going south route with my underleveled CAs paiied with support fleets, doe3 sending out ships as support lock them out from Ml and E-6? If so. maybe I should turn on the UNICORN BGM every time I So. Im really late but still FK YOU E-2.1 LOST 2 REPPUS AND A FKING SAUIN BECAUSE OF YOU tinue without sinking if it's 1 Already sunk my Yukikaze in E-1 because of that shitty troll sub that doesnt appear in shnty babby mode. Not if the shit rewards are worth the trouble. □ Anonymous 08/12/14(Tua)17:Q539 No 12382619 ► —1336 Wow. I just sink my Lv28 Kisaragi with all the equipment imnutesaeobyxannd :d=d!«ä:ginza mconicoLive 08/27/14(WedX35:34 16 No 124196 »nymotis 08/27/14(Wed)05 36 28 No. 124196 inymous 08/27/14(Wed)Q5:41:33 No 124196 284=3 Lv 110 ■U'wy 5960673 6600000 AM-117 :D=DiaXg:GINZA 2%SlAW-ii7 :d=d1«ä:ginza niCOniCOLiVE i started on other »12427731 FUUUUWtAIUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUJWUUUUUUUUUUl. UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK
Fall 2014 Losses mw-tx ifrifeitEXP The Fall 2014 event was exceptionally easy and Admirals quickly grew bored with this harmless Maruyu-like event Some sought honor and glory by taking up the Twintail Challenge. In this environment of warm milk, early bedtimes, and kotatsu coziness, the idea of using a damecon, let alone losing a ship, was unthinkable. This season’s losses compilation was on the verge of cancellation. SSOÄ« I.v 4* «& Then these faggots showed up. *♦2 WffiBSC I.v 95 tern. Lv 143 »ibvc mis n Anonymous 11 /18/14(Tue)04:14:01 No. 12706305 ► : KanColle-141118-21495050.nno (495 KB, 800x480) »12706307 »»12706313 >»12706314 »»12706340 ifilS "I If ill Level 99 №*?] 4' 10 L 0A 489 K WciS&T; it mmm t-taa mm £».. Tl 779 •? T4+A1 -=■ 17674 448S3 10684 fj k 2-7 is) ««saw ) A^ÄW : . 99 [■PS] 4 LI67 W 25 imm r-ii-j, mum «#*»» , >;• ’* "587 twj cr 21966 > a 130 35 52 94 59 SEES ztjr ESffi 111 28 41 79 46 S®3 Ajr SEiiffi IftH® 103 37 50 89 -1 8S© /!> ffiill® ;*B& 103 37 50 89 58 as© iSüi Bismarck drei 7 6 96 133 46 74 as© Iftfi ME® 35 45 24 0 25 C3© /ÖT ¡Eilffi 22 16 26 69 30 8®5 /Or 9 20 48 58 95 as© 1 67 0 0 42 as© AM 1 39 7 0 26 ®s .. I-* 1 I»® »«« 77 97 139 0 99 ®3 76 45 29 0 39 SE© *i©ss;¥ig 76 50 91 69 69 SE© llffi Bismarck drei 76 96 133 46 -1 as© «ten* 75 77 119 0 100 ©ES Ke*« Bit® 75 77 119 0 100 G3E3 75 53 92 84 ■2 as© 75 75 141 0 81 SE© ifcU® 75 75 141 0 84 as© 75 75 141 0 90 as© -# -w 123 4 5 #-! 1 *hs'*5*ä, Ruacimsh*?, 35 «iPSi'I'trilBL 99 №*5] 4 168 B 25 A 529 I «GMftR it T-frA mm 17 11552 - 55381 ' 74++» -=2 21916-* 24378 7 ) A#Ätt 130 35 51 94 54 SE© 110 28 41 79 46 SE© 101 37 50 89 -1 SE© 100 37 50 89 58 as© 90 75 121 0 98 (3© I 89 44 78 122 92 as© 87 96 139 0 10 4 C3© 85 36 61 109 66 BE© 83 37 56 99 62 as© 83 75 39 0 in as© 3 4 5 Ma'sssa. ism t£SH 35 «91* 50 <S»»w 110 & 4 20 I sank my Ooi during E3 fight, well i clicked the formation accidently. Lost 35+ lv Ooi, i 200' sorties on 2-4 to get a new Ooi back, now shes level 65. Lesson Learnt Re: What are your recent failures or idiocy? I accidentally sunk my Akatsuki during an event run last Friday, so depressed I had my whole fleet scouring the seas to get another ii Akatsuki in which I did, so far she is now only 3 levels behind her remodeled sisters fighting alongside a^Hiei and my newly acquired Dreadnought a*>Fusou, I vowed to myself that will be the last time I will make that mistake. Hlbiki and I sunk her two time due to I really want to clear E1.. when I just started to play the game................... -16-2014, 08:48 AM Pururumpaii Re: What are your recent failures or idiocy? SUhigure sunk.... 736 wyfl 900 exp m ftWLvtt 2 äMS® 1 11-17-2014, 04:30 PM Finalitius • \\ e xp \ 2 U Re: What are your recent failures or idiocy? Half asleep/ AFK run on 321 and forgetting -**Maruyu was red. Also sending sparkled exp5 fleet to 21, and 21 to 5 300 exp 300 # 43/43 sandws • Newly Registered Re: What are your recent failures or idiocy? I accidentally scrapped Hi Akizuki... i to: M ■ 11-25-2014, 09:11 PM Raven• Re: What are your recent failures or idiocy? I screwed up real bad today: level 28 HQ and desperate to clear 2-4 I sent in four battleships and two submarines. I was at the second to last node and in my stupidity/ desperation, clicked continue to the boss when -^i-168 level 15 and ft* Haruna level 22 were red. "'I 168 took a depth charge and was a goner. When the enemy launched theirtorpedoes one of them hitft*Haruna and to my horror did ~40 damage. All my other ships were left in the red. fl^tHaruna, I-168, I’m sorry. I have no pride in what I have done, only regret. 13641 as* i.n 9i 3478 14480 pSfE? !□ Anonymous 11 /20/14(Thu)17:42:05 No. 117179342 ► »117179408 ■ File: 47125408 pQ.ono (532 KB, 800x1050) I □ Anonymous 11/15/14(Sat)10:22:39 No. 12696531 ■>12696527 just sunk Ivl 36 fusou on e-1 I □ Anonymous 11 /20/14(Thu)16:33:33 No. 12712949 ► »12712956 » I File: KanColle-141120-01272037.ion (30 KB, 800x480) »12712968 »12712985 I □ Anonymous 11 /22/14(Sat)10:50:09 No.12717703 ► »»12717709 »»12717712 »»12717714 »»1271771 RIP Tone. Losing the equipment I had on you pains me more than your loss. ¡pent the last two days leveling her up for this event and she ends up being my first sunken ship. IVe only managed to get to the boss twice after a dozen and a half tries and I just got so tired of the frustration. I can't even come close to beating E3 and I lose a torp cruiser in the process, laugh at me. □ Anonymous 11/15/14(Sat)22:35:59 No. 12698510 *• »»12698513 »»12698514 »»12698517 »»12698518 »»12698520 Fuck. Guys, don't teitoku while intoxicated. I just won Akizuki and then fed her to Nakachan for AA stat. I'm gonna hate myself when I sober up.
Summer 2015 Losses Possibly the most difficult event in the game’s history, Summer ’15 brought back the joys of Ironbottom Sound: Even the well-prepared faced the threat of defeat. Guys... I woke up to this and I cant fucking find shimakaze.
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