Hifuu Club Activity Record ~ The Sealed Esoteric History / Marisa Kirisame :: Ibuki Suika (Suika Ibuki) :: Houraisan Kaguya :: Reimu Hakurei (Hakurei Reimu, reimu) :: Moriya Suwako (Suwako Moriya) :: Remilia Scarlet :: Yakumo Yukari (Yukari Yakumo) :: Yasaka Kanako :: Maribel Hearn :: Usami Renko :: Тохо видео :: Touhou Project (Touhou, Тохо) :: Anime Unsorted :: Anime (Аниме)

Usami Renko Yakumo Yukari Yasaka Kanako Moriya Suwako Remilia Scarlet Houraisan Kaguya Reimu Hakurei Marisa Kirisame Ibuki Suika Anime Unsorted ...Anime Touhou Project Maribel Hearn Тохо видео 

Hifuu Club Activity Record ~ The Sealed Esoteric History

Как я уже писал здесь: http://anime.reactor.cc/post/2309483
камрады из Китая готовят фан-видео по Тохе, которое выглядит более, чем годно.

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【Touhou Fanmade Anime】Hifuu Club Activity Record~The Sealed Esoteric History 2nd PV【東方】,Film & Animation,Touhou,Anime,秘封活动记录,The Sealed Esoteric History,東方,A 2nd Teaser/Trailer of Hifuu Club Activity Record ~ The Sealed Esoteric History Doujin Anime (秘封活动记录). According to some forums, this is expected to be released on Winter Comiket 2015. A dedicated Chinese fans make a group named Kyoto Fantasy Troupe decided to make a new fanmade Touhou Animation. "Hifuu Club Activity Record ~ The Sealed Esoteric History. is a Touhou fan project by our circle, Kyoto Fantasy Troupe. It is a large project centered around animation, supplemented by comics, written fiction, illustrations and other paraphernalia. The production of the project will be a long and involved process, and we will do our best to bring you the story we want to tell. (Of course, this has to be done in several steps.) The story begun when the two members of Sealing Club obtained an artifact originating from Gensokyo. They realized there is a hidden history behind this artifact, and started their research into those secrets. What will they encounter? What will they discover? Their investigations will bring them near the forgotten history of the Touhou universe, to stories of the past hidden beneath today’s peaceful Gensokyo. A complete view of the world of Touhou Project will be shown before our eyes. This is our goal, and what we have been striving for – to turn the Gensokyo we love into pictures, and to share it with other people who have felt the same love. We are now nearing the completion of “Prologue”. Without any unexpected incidents, it will become available at Chinese conventions this November. It is only a short piece, but we have put in all our efforts in the past few months. People might ask, why are we making this prologue first rather than a full episode. To tell the truth, we would also love to dive directly into making a full episode! But creating an animated show is an extremely costly endeavor in every sense of the word. As Touhou fans, we have done our best in our spare time. We have adopted a professional production process, and invited many pros to provide us with guidance and help. In the end, we have survived the pressure, and delivered “Prologue” using only a few months. We consider “Prologue” to be a complete work, which will also be used as the opening for full episodes in the future. The final production steps are now underway. If everything goes well, we will be selling it at conventions and by mail order by mid-November. We will try to prepare a Japanese version as soon as possible." Source: http://kyotofantasytroupe.net/
【東方同人アニメ】秘封活動記録 -序- Creditless OP+《月の追憶》PV,Music,【東方同人アニメ】秘封活動記録 -序- Creditless OP+《月の追憶》PV,決別之旅,Hifuu Club Activity Record,Yonder Voice,touhou,touhou anime,少女秘封倶楽部,童祭 ~ Innocent Treasures,ネクロファンタジア,Chinese Anime,秘封活動記録-月-,例大祭12,This is the Creditless (Modified Ver.) Opening of Hifuu Club Activity Record ~ The Sealed Esoteric History by Kyoto Gensou Gekidan (Kyoto Fantasy Troupe) along with the preview of the Upcoming Manga Called ''Tsuki no Tsioku" For Reitaisai 12. **Take Note** It's Just only the opening with Preview of the manga and the List of Staff who contribute to this doujin. and just presume that this is the DVD Ver. (the 1080p stuff in Chugoku[China]) For more information, just visit their HP : http://kyotofantasytroupe.net/?lang=zh_cn Original Work:Shanghai Alice Gengakudan Director :囧仙 (She is the one who translate some of touhou doujin anime in BiliBili) Character Designer : NEKO BGM : 決別之旅 (Farewell Tour) + 伴奏 (Instrumental Ver.) Original: 少女秘封倶楽部/蓮台野夜行、童祭 ~ Innocent Treasures/夢違科学世紀、ネクロファンタジア/東方妖々夢 Compose&Arrange: LEMiao [Attack The Music] Lyric: 蒼羅杏 Vocal: 瑶山百霊
【Touhou Fanmade Anime】Hifuu Club Activity Record ~ The Sealed Esoteric History 3rd PV【東方】,Film & Animation,Touhou,Anime,秘封活动记录,Hifuu Club Activity Record,The Sealed Esoteric History,3rd PV of Hifuu Club Activity Record ~ The Sealed Esoteric History Source Info:http://kyotofantasytroupe.net/
Тохо видео,Touhou Project,Touhou, Тохо,Anime,Аниме,Usami Renko,Maribel Hearn,Yakumo Yukari,Yukari Yakumo,Yasaka Kanako,Moriya Suwako,Suwako Moriya,Remilia Scarlet,Houraisan Kaguya,Reimu Hakurei,Hakurei Reimu, reimu,Marisa Kirisame,Ibuki Suika,Suika Ibuki,Anime Unsorted
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Интересно, сколько серий будет...
Сам пока не знаю. И никто пока не знает...
Но, блин, луняне с джейдайскими шашками доставили )))
рисовка безусловно многообещающая, но вот кто всё это дело будет озвучивать? такие же китайские любители? Приглашенные японские сейю любители? Профессиональные Сейю? А остальной звук... в роликах кроме графики ничего больше не раскрывается =\
Дык, тот же Фантазм тоже ведь сами рисовщики не озвучивали. Это потом сейю-фанаты поднапряглись и запилили озвучку.
Далее, второе видео в посте - это (если не переиграют) - уже готовый опенинг. С озвучкой.
Так что, сидим, ждем, запасаемся попкорном и вспоминаем подзабытый английский - на русском, думаю, появится ой как нескоро.
Выглядит неплохо, но меня терзают сомнения касательно каноничности.
Вроде бы, основное направление - исследования Ренко и Марибель, в которых они заодно и истоию Генсоке узнают.
Лично меня больше всего зацепила Первая Лунная Война
Дело в том, что об этом очень мало официальной информации. Так что либо ZUN одобрил сценарий, либо будет тьма отсебятины.
Только зарегистрированные и активированные пользователи могут добавлять комментарии.
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