rf:Jumping A way Tell opponent: "No restrictions next turn and add +2 if you score." (P) 2-45 10-45 18-37 26-13 34 -41 42-9 • 4-17 12-9 20-13 28 13 36 -53 44-11 * 6 -13 14 -45 22-3 30 -45 38 -59 46 -27 8 13 16 -57 24 63 32 -5 40 -45 48-13
Magic Injection^ Tell opponent: "No restrictions. Bomb Apple can be used on your next turn. Following Magic Injection, all Summon moves receive a »2 bonus to modifier that lasts up until that magic is lost.
* Shizuka's Petal Blizzard Technique Tell opponent: "No restrictions next turn and add +1 if you score.
f c Tell opponent: "Do only Green or Yellow next turn.' CRITICAL: "Do no Summon for the rest of the fight.
w Throwing \Poisoned At Tell opponent: "Do no Orange next turn. ' ~'A f
Dagger Striketi r Tell opponent: "No restrictions next turn,
rfLeg Wound Tell opponent: "Do no Red or Orange next turn. CRITICAL: “Do no Blue for the rest of the light. CRITICAL
Extended Ran Magicjnjectii Tell opponent: "Do only Extended Range next turn. Following Magic Injection, all Summon moves receive a +2 bonus to modifier that lasts up until that magic is lost.
r.yAnnelotte’s Shield Guard Tell opponent: "No restrictions next turn." (P)
Knocked Tell opponent: "Do only Green or Yellow next turn. If Magic Injection is active, the ell'ect and bonus are lost until your next injection
r'7Turned Around Tell opponent: "Do only Yellow or Green next turn
Behind YoùXn wmmmmammtaam Tell opponent: "No restrictions next turn." ( P%.)
rf>Kicking Tell opponent: "Do no Blue or Yellow next turn »jL* ‘11# 6 -41 ■ ^ 19 aw a:» 14-5 22-3 AO '1 / 30 • 11 .)U uo 38-59 ii '11 46 -43 oc w to 16 - 57 24 - 63 32 -5 10 -11 48 -41 C\ ; ,mw/ fPi L;KJ f^p K '■ r^y^v fci >r fTfi . , A j\ XV* rj f
I Mirror DroppedVx Tell opponent: "Do no Summon moves until you retrieve your mirror. w \ J w o
rSDucking Tell opponent: "Do no Orange next turn, but add +1 if you score with Blue." ( PiX) v% I /] l Lr / 1
Arm Wound'Vx Tell opponent: "Do no Orange or Red next turn." CRITICAL: "Do no Orange for the rest of the fight.
Dodging Tell opponent: "No restrictions next turn." ( P 96) 2-47 10-41 18-37 26-41 34-41 ÇS 4-17 12 -9 20 29 28-41 36-41 44-11 6 -11 14-5 22-41 30-41 38 -59 46-27 t-._ 8 33 16-1 24-63 32 -41 40-41 48-41
Extemed Range Tell opponent: "Do only Brown next turn." CRITICAL: "Do no Red for the rest of the tight
fJfflfffiMa. (Jo Tell opponent: "Do no Blue next turn, but add +1 if you score with a Dagger Strike.
Charging with Demonic Horse Ambrosius Tell opponent: "Do no Green or Yellow next turn.
rfknocked Down Tell opponent: "Do only Jump next turn." CRITICAL: "Do no Throw Poisoned Apples for the rest of the light.
Retrieving Mirror%-x Tell opponent: "You retrieved your mirror, no restrictions next turn, ,-é^m 1« Æ 1 |UwU/^k * 11,^^ n 11
Parrying Tell opponent: "No restrictions next turn.
Tomo&sJW J Warrior Priëstesmtasm Tell opponent: "Do no Orange next turn
r f Extended Rang\ f Dagger Strike Tell opponent: "Do only Brown, Black or Magic Injection next turn,
Extemm^mS^Lx t MB rowing v Poisoned AppW^mms Tell opponent: "Do only Brown or White next turn
riBodvmcwrML Tell opponent: "Do only Green or Yellow next turn.'' CRITICAL: "Do no Dagger Strike for the rest of the light. 1 JS 1 1 \ WLi A m ^
Tell opponent: "Do only Extended Range next turn, and regain +1 body point.
Extended Range Ready Tell opponent: "Do only Extended Range next turn." (P) ■ -f4 y A »'^'\'| V- ■ jjr IT-i ” —'r^1 ■■ '"■>*
B<mirApplesX \ - Tell opponent: "No restrictions next turn and add +1 if you score. Î&; <•0 V ¿w’ v ■J L Ü w ÆSm i# **r C „ \ i rlgj •'
rSExtended Range Dodging Tell opponent: "Only use Extended Range next turn." (PX)
Tell opponent: "Do no Blue next turn.
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