Touhou: Scarlet Curiosity выйдет в Steam
XSEED анонсировали у себя в твиттере, что в этом году выпустят Touhou: Scarlet Curiosity (она же Adventures of Scarlet Curiosity) в Стим.
Touhou: Scarlet Curiosity - Launch Trailer,Gaming,touhou,scarlet curiosity,touhou scarlet curiosity,ps4,xseed games,xseed,marvelous,action rpg,ankake spa,play doujin,Immortality is boring. While one would imagine an all-powerful vampire has a lot to do, such is not the case for Remilia Scarlet. After 500 years, the Scarlet Devil is desperately searching for something new to grab her interest. One day, she finds exactly that when she stumbles upon a newspaper article about a powerful, mysterious monster wreaking havoc across the countryside. Her curiosity piqued, she runs out to investigate this disturbance, letting the tabloids guide her to just where it might be. After an unsuccessful first investigation, she returns to find her mansion in ruins. It seems the monster has brought the fight to her! Vowing revenge, Remilia sets out with a renewed sense of determination: she will find this monster, and she will make it pay! ...And, at least for a time, she might not be quite so bored.
XSEED Games 9 @XSEEDGames It's going to be a good year with Touhou: Scarlet Curiosity coming to Steam. Ф Перевести твит 13:45 -23 мая 2018 г.
Patchouli's Library Time : Night Skill List (01 / 12) Cost [E] Vampire Turn 100 Vampire Spin 200 Skill Select [E] Heart Break 100 Equipment Demon Lord Cradle 300 Read Newspapers Scarlet Axel ps/A Stigmanizer 200 Manual / IP Rights Trident Break 200 Back to World Map Thousand Needles 400 Scarlet Bomb 200 [E] Vampire Turn Damage : 401 Remilia spins around, slicing up nearby enemies with her wings. Chapter 10: Raiding the Stronghold Heart Break Divine Spear 'Spear the Gungnir1 (Spell) Lv.25 HP 1094/1094 Base Atk Power 309 Skill Regen Rate 9 Critical Rate 21% Critical Power 162% Item Drop Rate 145% Skill 227/700 Next Lv. (1458/7000) Equip combat skills to slots
Тохо Новости,Touhou Project,Touhou, Тохо,Anime,Аниме,Anime Анонс,Anime Unsorted
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