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STE IN S;G ATE O DIVERGENCE MATRIX World Line table for the STEINS;GATE series ■ STORY CHARACTER VISUAL WORLD EXTRA ■ Connection between the World Line Divergence and the Scenario in each work World Line Divergence Tide (*1) Route Scenario Date (*2) Characteristics of the World Line Attractor Field £ (Epsilon) 4.530806 Linear Bounded Phenogram STORY: Hououin Kyouma Three Contrapasso About the Abduction •2010/8/13 ♦ Maid cafés and the IBN5100 are present in Akihabara. Okabe nd Daru go to the ComiMa. The (ulure gadgets are enhanced vith the magical remodel plan. Moeka can speak normally. 4.530805 4.493624 4.493623 4.456442 4.456441 Attractor Field 5 (Delta) 3.667293 Darling of Loving Vows Luka Route 1 Perverted Affection Anima •2010/8/7,8 ♦ Okabe and Luka are lovers. Darling of Loving Vows Luka Route 2 Seal Pygmalion •2010/8/9,10,11,12 Darling of Loving Vows Luka Route 3 Synergy of Love •2010/8/13,14,15,16,17,20 3.600104 Darling of Loving Vows Moeka Route 1 Melancholia Lost Happiness •2010/8/7.8.12,13 ♦ Development of future gadgets is suspended, jitry to the Radio Kaikau is forbidden. Darling of Loving Vows Moeka Route 2 Dawn Dawn Ratio •2010/8/20,22,28,29 3.406288 Darling of Loving Vows Common Route Entropy the Origins Rumble •2010/8/5,6,7 Darling of Loving Vows Kurisu Route 1 Aporia Pitiful Grief •2010/8/7,8 ♦ D-mail experiments are halted. Future gadgets n°9 to 12 re created. Darling of Loving Vows Kurisu Route 2 Pas de Deux Rivalry •2010/8/8,9,10 Darling of Loving Vows Kurisu Route 3 Resonance it Repeats •2010/8/10,11,17 3.386019 Linear Bounded Phenogram STORY: Tennouji Yuugo A Strange Building Filled with Love •2010/8/10,12,17,18,22,29 •2011/7/16,19,20, 8/2 •2012/8/21 *2021/8/4 ♦ Suzuha doesn’t arrive from the future. Moeka is the part-timer, ikiha Yukitaka is alive and there are maid cafés in Akihabara. 3.372329 Darling of Loving Vows Suzuha Route 1 Straying Arche •2010/8/7,8,9,10 ♦ Daru meets Amane Yuki at the summer ComiMa. Darling of Loving Vows Suzuha Route 2 Fupe of Ruin End •2010/8/10,11,12 Darling of Loving Vows Suzuha Route 3 Agape of Root •2010/8/12,13,14,15,17,20 3.182879 Darling of Loving Vows Faris Route 1 Catmaiden's Domain •2010/8/7,8,9,10 ♦ The third Maid Café War breaks out in Akihabara. Darling of Loving Vows Faris Route 2 Heavens Nchushtan •2010/8/18,19,26 3.130238 Darling of Loving Vows Mavuri Route I Fahrenheit Chiaroscuro •2010/8/7.8,13,14,15 ♦ Mayuri starts modeling. Darling of Loving Vows Mavuri Route 2 Stardust Duplet •2010/8/17,18,19,20,21 3.030493 Linear Bounded Phenogram STORY: Faris NvanNyan Super Hero Chat-noir •2010/8/7,8,9,10,13 ♦ Akiha Yukata is dead and there are maid cafés in Akihabara. iiizuha travels to 1975 then lives in 2000 without dying from illness. 3.019430 Linear Bounded Phenogram STORY: Hashida Itaru Bird Singing in Cage •2010/8/14,15,16,17 ♦ Daru meets Amane Yuki at the summer ComiMa. loeka is a lab member but disappears as a Rounder. Attractor Field (3 (Beta) 1.382733 STEI\'S;GATE 0 Pandora Route 1 (X3) Pandora’s Box •2010/12/24 *2011/1/21 ♦ Kurisu is dead. WW3 breaks out due to Xakabachi’s paper, he Soviet Union still exists. 1.143688 STEINS;GATE 0 Stigma Route Gehenna’s Stigma •2011/7/XX ♦ Kurisu is dead. WW3 breaks out due to Xakabachi’s paper, 'all of the Soviet Union. Suzuha travels to 2010 with the C204. 1.130426 STEINS;GATE Prologue Prologue of the Beginning and the End •2010/7/28 1.130238 STEINS;GATE Chapter 10 Stardust Sky •2010/8/17,22 1.130205 STEINStGATE Chapter 10 Paradox Meltdown •2010/8/17,21 STEINStGATE Chapter 11 Open The Steins Gate •2010/7/28, 8/21,9/XX r 1.129954 STEINStGATE 0 Pandora Route 2 (*4) Pandora’s Box •2011/1/21 1 STEINStGATE 0 Recognize Route Presage or Recognize •2011/6/3,25, 7/2 if STEINStGATE 0 Stigma Route Gehenna’s Stigma •2011/6/3,25, 7/3,6,7,8 =? ♦ After the ending, the WL Divergence shifts to 1.143688%. STEINStGATE 0 Altair Route Vega and Altair •201177/7,9 §! STEINStGATE 0 Epilogue Milky-way Crossing •2025/7/28 1.129848 STEINStGATE 0 Prolope Absolute Zero •2010/8/21, 11/23,28 fj STEINS;GATE 0 Common Route Closed Epigraph •2010/11/29, 12/4,5,10,15 •2036/8/13 STEINStGATE 0 Protocol Route X-Dav Protocol •2010/12/15,19,21,24 1.081163 STEINStGATE 0 Automaton Route Twin Automata •2011/1/2,3,4,5,31 1.064756 STEINStGATE 0 Mother Goose Route Recursive Mother Goose •2011/1/15,16,7/7 1.064750 STEINStGATE 0 Solitude Route A Stray Sheep •2010/12/15,16,17,20,23 STEINStGATE 0 Eclipse Route The Orbital Eclipse •2010/12/23,24 *2011/1/1,2 1.055821 STEINStGATE 0 Rinascimento Route Promised Rinascimento •2011/1/31,2/1,2,3 •2036/3/7 1.053649 STEINStGATE 0 Dual Route Antinomic Dual •2011/1/2,3,4,6,11,15 l Attractor Field X 1.049326 Linear Bounded Phenogram STORY: Urushibara Luka Hermaphroditus in Labyrinth •2010/8/21,31 4 ► Luka is a boy. Mayuri is alive and Okabe is hospitalized due to evere bleeding. This is the neighbor line to the Steins Gate. Steins Gate 1.048596 STEINStGATE Chapter 11 Open The Steins Gate •2010/8/21, 9/XX Attractor Field a (Alpha) 0.571082 STEINStGATE 0 Dual Route Antinomic Dual •2011/1/2 2 ► Mavuri is dead. SERN establishes their dystopia. Suzuha travels to 010 with the FG204. 0.571046 STEINSjGXTE Chapter 9 Endless Apoptosis •2010/8/13,15 STEINSiGATE Chapter 10 Stardust Sky •2010/8/15,16.17 STEINStGATE Chapter 10 Paradox Meltdown •2010/8/15,16,17 Linear Bounded Phenogram STORY: Shiina Mayuri Eternal Polaris •2010/8/14,15,16,17 0.571024 STEINS;GATE Chapter 1 Time Travel Paranoia •2010/7/28,29 STEINStGATE Chapter 2 Interpreter Rendezvous •2010/7/30,31, 8/1,2 STEI.\S;GATE Chapter 3 Butterfly Effect's Divergence •2010/8/2,3 0.571015 STEINStGATE Chapter 3 Butterfly Effect's Divergence •2010/8/3 STEINStGATE Chapter 4 Chaos Theory Homeostasis •2010/8/3,4 0.523307 STEINS;GATE Chapter 9 Endless Apoptosis •2010/8/11,12,13,14,15,16 0.523299 STEINStGATE Chapter 4 Chaos Theory Homeostasis •2010/8/4,5,6 0.509736 Linear Bounded Phenogram STORY: Kiryuu Moeka Quantum Excited in Coma •2010/8/5,7,8,9,10,11,12,15 0.456923 Linear Bounded Phenogram STORY: Urushibara Luka Hermaphroditus in Labyrinth •2010/8/15.16,18,20 jp ♦ Luka is a girl. 0.456914 STEINStGATE Chapter 8 Fractal Androgynous •2010/8/11,12,13,14,15 STEINStGATE Chapter 8 Link of Corruption and Rebirth •2010/8/20 0.456903 STEINStGATE Chapter 4 Chaos Theory Homeostasis •2010/8/6.7 0.409431 STEINStGATE Chapter 7 Made in Complex •2010/8/13,14 !? ♦ Akiha Yukata is alive. 0.409420 STEINStGATE Chapter 4 Chaos Theory Homeostasis •2010/8/7,8,9 Ü- ♦ There is no maid café in Akihabara STEINStGATE Chapter 5 Dogma in Event Horizon •2010/8/10 iu 0.337337 Linear Bounded Phenogram STORY: Amane Suzuha Ghosting Rendezvous •2010/8/10,11,12 I 0.337199 Linear Bounded Phenogram STORY: Okabe Rintarou Dr. Jekyll on Lines •2011/8/10,11 1 i I 0.337187 STEINStGATE Chapter 5 Dogma in Event Horizon •2010/8/10,11,13 ? §5 STEINStGATE Chapter 6 Metaphysics Necrosis •2010/8/11,12,13 ¡¡j if § STEINStGATE Chapter 6 Irreversible Reboot •2010/8/11,12,13 § 0 0 0.337161 Linear Bounded Phenogram STORY: Tennouji Nae Bifrost of Lunar •201277/5,6,7,8,10,12,13,14,28 IT 0.328403 Linear Bounded Phenogram STORY: Makise Kurisu Vermilion Sooteer •2010/8/13,14 II ♦ Maid cafés are presenl in Akihabara Attractor Field Q (Omega) -0.192580 Linear Bounded Phenogram STORY: Shiina Mayuri Eternal Polaris •2010/8/16 »2011/7/7 * ► Mayuri isn’t Okabe’s hostage. The second floor of the Ohiyama uilding is vacant. Maid cafés are present in Akihabara. -0.275349 STEINStGATE Chapter 7 Isolated Jamais Vu •2010/8/14,15 4 i ► Mayuri, Kurisu and Akiha Yukata are alive. Maid cafés are present i Akihabara. The lab doesn't exist. Faris and Okabe are lovers. *1 In this column, “STEINS;GATE Darling of Loving Vows“ and “STEINS;GATE Linear Bounded Phenogram” are shown respectively as “Darling of Loving Vows” and “Linear Bounded Phenogram”. *2 When XX is used for a date, it means the exact date cannot be determined in the said work. *3 The common route of “Pandora’s Box”. *4 The part that goes to either “Presage or Recognize” or “Gehenna’s stigma”. 2 m STEINS;GATE 0 Official Document Amadeus' Script WORLD English version by 'u klusbikuri
Steins Gate,Врата Штейна, Врата Штайнера,Anime,Аниме,Anime Unsorted
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