Touhou Remixes - A Soul as Scarlet as a Ground Cherry (Ambient Ver.),Music,a soul as red as a ground cherry,scarlet,as,cherry,ground,soul,embodiment of scarlet devil,a soul as a red as a ground cherry,東方 a soul as red as a ground cherry piano,fff stage 1 theme : a soul as red as a ground cherry,a soul as red as a ground cherry (musical recording),a soul that is red like a ground cherry,a soul as red as an oni's lantern,touhou,touhou ambient,touhou relaxing music,zun,rumia,touhou music,Hello again, this is a ambient version of stage 1 theme from TH 6, i hope you like it :D Like and subscribe if you like this style of music Link for art - https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=74078541
Touhou Project,Touhou, Тохо,Anime,Аниме,touhou music,Rumia,Touhou Project,Anime,fandoms,touhou music,Rumia,Anime Unsorted,Anime Unsorted
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