Все же у этого карантина есть и положительные стороны. Похоже, от безделья старички из Seatbelts решили не мелочится и перекаверить все свои культовые песни. А мы и не против.
На этот раз они выкатили:
"Space Lion"
На этот раз они выкатили:
"Space Lion"
"Don’t bother none"
"The Real Folk Blues"
Space Lion Virtual session 2020,Music,SEATBELTS,Yoko Kanno,菅野よう子,Space Lion,Yasuo Sano,Hitoshi Watanabe,Tsuneo Imahori,MATARO,Takuo Yamamoto,A-sha Mai Yamane,To SEATBELTS supporters / シートベルツを応援してくださっている皆さんに/ This is the Space Lion Virtual session 2020 by the original members and volunteers. オリジナルメンバーと有志による Space Lion Virtual session 2020 です。 近日中に オンライン配信販売されます。以下をご確認ください。https://www.tunecore.co.jp/artist/SEATBELTS This music will be delivered also by online distributors like iTunes and spotify in couple of days. donation→ https://meow.diamonds/en/ssd/starducks/ おひねり→ https://meow.diamonds/ja/ssd/starducks/ This video is made in the Session Starducks project. Captain Duckling has responded for the request from many of you. これは、Session Starducksプロジェクトの一環で、皆様からのご要望が多かったSpace Lionを制作したものです。 Let's have a session with SEATBELTS! To learn Session Starducks, please refer at https://starducks.me/ (日本語/English/Francais/中文/Deutsch/Italiano/台湾(繁体中文)) SEATBELTSとセッションしよう! Session Starducks については、以下をご覧ください。 https://starducks.me/ (日本語/English/Francais/中文/Deutsch/Italiano/台湾(繁体中文)) Copyright 1998 SUNRISE MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., LTD Composed and Arranged by Yoko Kanno This video is published under the permission of SUNRISE MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., LTD
Don’t bother none Virtual session 2020,Music,Don't bother none,Yoko Kanno,SEATBELTS,Mai Yamane,Hitoshi Watababe,Tsuneo Watanabe,シートベルツオリジナルメンバーによるDon't bother none Virtual session 2020 です。歌は山根麻以。 Don't bother none Virtual session 2020 by the original members of Seatbelts. The song is A-Sha Mai Yamane. おひねり→ https://meow.diamonds/ja/ssd/starducks/ tossing coin/donation→ https://meow.diamonds/en/ssd/starducks/ Copyright 1998 SUNRISE MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., LTD Lyrics by Tim Jensen Composed and Arranged by Yoko Kanno This movie is published under the permission of SUNRISE MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., LTD
"The Real Folk Blues" For these days Virtual session 2020,Music,The Real Folk Blues,Yoko Kanno,SEATBELTS,山根麻以,Mai Yamane,菅野よう子,シートベルツオリジナルメンバーによる https://youtu.be/8GwE0wwMmKE ヘの返礼作品です。 Performed by SEATBELTS original members, reply for https://youtu.be/8GwE0wwMmKE Session Starducks ⇒ https://starducks.me/ おひねり→ https://meow.diamonds/ja/ssd/starducks/ tip/donation → https://meow.diamonds/en/ssd/starducks/ Copyright 1998 SUNRISE MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., LTD Lyrics by Yuho Iwasato Composed and Arranged by Yoko Kanno This movie is published under the permission of SUNRISE MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., LTD
The Seatbelts,Yoko Kanno,Cowboy Bebop,Anime OldSchool,Anime,Аниме,музыка,Anime Unsorted
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