HOLMGANG OV GENSOKYO is an international extreme metal collaboration between musicians and a / touhou music :: Metal Other :: Touhou Project (Touhou, Тохо) :: Metal (Metal) :: Anime Unsorted :: Holmgang Ov Gensokyo :: Doujin Music :: фэндомы :: Anime (Аниме)

Doujin Music Holmgang Ov Gensokyo touhou music Touhou Project #Metal Metal Other Anime Unsorted ...Anime фэндомы 

HOLMGANG OV GENSOKYO is an international extreme metal collaboration between musicians and arrangers from across the globe. It's a project that init's heart holds a candle to both the Touhou metal scene that inspired the foundation of this collaboration, and the Touhou community as a whole for being the infectious melting pot of creativity it is. Inspired off of a previousTouhou Project metal arrange sampler "BARRAGE AM RING", we are here this year, and the next, to share with you our sounds. Touhou. Metal. Forever.

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GR¡»,Doujin Music,Holmgang Ov Gensokyo,touhou music,Touhou Project,Touhou, Тохо,Anime,Аниме,фэндомы,Metal,Metal,Metal Other,Anime Unsorted

Этот додзин-кружок основанный в 2019 году. Пилят тохо аранжировки в жанре Метал (точнее хрова туча поджанров, зайдите на бендкамп и гляньте сами).Участниками являются ребята из додзин-кружков выпускающих тохоту в жанрах митол и не только. Присутствует экстремальный мужской и чистый женский вокал.Склепали 2 альбома (треки с вокалом  и инструменталки), а  в 2021 ремастернули 1й альбом. (я уже собрался скипать их ибо онли бендкамп, а потом чекнул ютубчик. Альбомы доступы бесплатно)



[東方 Metal Album Stream] Holmgang Ov Gensokyo 1.5 ~ Night Festival of Ten-Thousand Demons,People & Blogs,Touhou,Touhou Metal,Zun,Touhou Arrangement,Touhou Cover,Metal,Technical Death Metal,Atmospheric Black Metal,Deathcore,Metalcore,Djent,Progressive Metal,Holmgang Ov Gensokyo,ArmpitMaiden,Download / Donate: https://holmgangovgensokyo.bandcamp.com/album/15-night-festival-of-ten-thousand-demons Discord: https://discord.gg/KkRC3SQ "Hyakki Yagyō", Night Parade of One-Hundred Demons, is a time when the boundary between our reality and the realm of the supernatural blends together as one. H.O.G. 1.5. is an EXTRA Stage/Boss arrangement album that aims to capture the intensity of this night with 7 fantastical tracks that ends with a 17 minute epic of untold proportions, we are sure to leave you on the very brink of phantasm. - 百鬼夜行「百鬼夜行」は、私たちの現実と超自然の領域との境界がひとつに融合する時代です。HOG 1.5。 EXTRA Stage / Bossのアレンジアルバムで、この夜の激しさを7つの幻想的なトラックで捉え、17分間の壮大なプロポーションで終わります。ファンタズムの危機に瀕していること間違いなしです。 Touhou. Metal. Forever. *TRACKLIST* 01. Tomorrow - Crimson Quietus (0:00) 02. Up In Thunderclouds - Roundloudness (08:35) 03. KA EN - Waorlarts (12:05) 04. Tendinitis Planet - The Last Battalion (15:45) 05. EYE CRUSHER - ArmpitMaiden (19:46) 06 . Hourai Hunter - ÅNRYÅ (25:20) 07. Night Festival of Ten-Thousand Demons ACT 1 (29:13) Night Festival of Ten-Thousand Demons ACT 2 (34:47) Night Festival of Ten-Thousand Demons ACT 3 (39:32) ------------------------------------ 1. Crimson Quietus / Tomorrow ARRANGER: Anuhi ORIGINAL: 明日ハレの日、ケの昨日 twitter.com/CrimsonQuietus 2. Roundloudness / Up In Thunderclouds ARRANGER: ラウ ORIGINAL: 魔力の雷雲 twitter.com/RoundLoudness ​ 3. Waorlarts / 華焔(ka-en) ARRANGER: WAORU ORIGINAL: 見た事も無い悪夢の世界= twitter.com/waorlarts 4. The Last Battalion / Tendinitis Planet ARRANGER: NiGaRi ORIGINAL: パンデモニックプラネット twitter.com/TLB_official_ 5. ArmpitMaiden / EYECRUSHER ARRANGER: ArmpitMaiden ORIGINAL: U.N.オーエンは彼女なのか? twitter.com/ArmpitMaiden ​ 6. ÅNRYÅ / Hourai Hunter ARRANGERl Dryhands ORIGINAL: 月まで届け、不死の煙 twitter.com/aegiravanthir ​ 7. Night Festival of Ten Thousand Demons ARRANGERS: ArmpitMaiden / Realmweaver PRODUCER: Rabin Miguel ORIGINALS: ------------------------------ Act 1: 妖怪裏参道 Act 2: 平安のエイリアン Act 3: 佐渡の二ッ岩 ------------------------------- twitter.com/Realm_Weaver #HolmgangOvGensokyo #TouhouMetal
[東方 Metal Album Stream] Holmgang Ov Gensokyo REMASTERED,People & Blogs,,Download / Donate: https://holmgangovgensokyo.bandcamp.com/album/holmgang-ov-gensokyo-remastered Discord: https://discord.gg/KkRC3SQ HOLMGANG OV GENSOKYO [REMASTERED] is both a complete retelling of the original debut album, as well as a warm hearted thank you to the wonderful community that's come together again over a shared bond of Touhou Metal. Featuring 7 of the original tracks from the original album, alongside new ones, both here now, and along the way! Your love and support for us here at H.O.G. has inspired us to take but what was once a meager passion project, and transform it into the the powerhouse mega community it is today. We cannot thank you enough from the bottom of our hearts. Touhou. Metal. Forever. 01 | 00:00 | Holmgang Ov Gensokyo - Lycoris Radiata 02 | 06:08 | Torrent Of Power - Realmweaver 03 | 12:08 | Broken Moon - The Last Battalion 04 | 16:45 | Deceiver - Takamachi Walk 05 | 20:28 | Possession Flowers In Full Bloom - BillyTheBard11th 06 | 22:42 | Godtrue - AnthiR 07 | 27:09 | Crimson Memories - Crimson Quietus 08 | 35:29 | Pulse Into Ruin - Dryhands 09 | 38:24 | On The Edge Of Paradise - ArmpitMaiden 10 | 46:08 | Grand Rhapsody Of The Gods - Maiden's Capriccio 11 | 53:25 | Invasion Of Bhavagra - Realmweaver ------------------------------------ 1. Lycoris Radiata / Holmgang Ov Gensokyo ARRANGER: ArmpitMaiden VOCALS: Angry Koishi, REMI;B, MilkyChan (Cleans) ORIGINAL: 黒い海に紅く~ Legendary Fish twitter.com/ArmpitMaiden 2. Realmweaver / Torrent Of Power ARRANGER: Realmweaver PRODUCER: Rabin Miguel ORIGINAL: 御伽の国の鬼が島 ~ Missing Power twitter.com/Realm_Weaver 3. The Last Battalion / Broken Moon ARRANGER: NiGaRi ORIGINAL: 砕月 (Broken Moon) thelastbattalion.bandcamp.com/album/mishagguzi twitter.com/TLB_official_ 4. Takamachi Walk / Deceiver ARRANGER: wasi (Takamachi Walk) VOCALS: Un3h, noaon ORIGINAL: 信仰は儚き人間の為に (Faith if for the Transient People) takamachiwalk.bandcamp.com/releases 5. BillytheBard11th / Possession Flowers in Full Bloom ARRANGER: BILLYTHEBARD11TH PRODUCER: Dryhands ORIGINAL: 咲き誇る憑依華 (Possession Flowers in Full Bloom) www.youtube.com/channel/UCMIFZlIm3E7fxattsuRoqgA 6. AnthiR / Godtrue ARRANGER: Dryhands Original: ラストオカルティズム ~ 現し世の秘術師 (Last Occultism ~ Esotericist of the Present World) twitter.com/aegiravanthir 7. Crimson Quietus / Crimson Memories ARRANGERl Anuhi Original: 亡き王女の為のセプテット twitter.com/CrimsonQuietus 8. Dryhands / Pulse Into Ruin ARRANGER: Dryhands ORIGINAL: 亡失のエモーション (The Lost Emotion) Special credits to Billy for Drum consultation Vocals: Anonymous twitter.com/aegiravanthir 9. ArmpitMaiden / On the Edge of Paradise ARRANGER: ArmpitMaiden VOCALS: Empyrean Serpent, MilkyChan (cleans) ACOUSTIC GUITARl Silent Ourorboros PRODUCER: James McHenry (BLIND EQUATION) ORIGINAL: 天衣無縫 (Flawless Clothing of the Celestials) 10. Maiden's Capriccio / Grand Rhapsody of the Gods ARRANGER: ArmpitMaiden GUEST SOLO: Realmweaver ORIGINAL: 悠久の蒸気機関 (Eternal Steam Engine) 11. Realmweaver / Invasion of Bhavagra ARRANGER: Realmweaver Bassist: Jerry "BASSWEAVER" Kamer ORIGINAL: 有頂天変 ~ Wonderful Heaven (Catastrophe in Bhava-Agra ~ Wonderful Heaven) credits released March 21, 2021 #HolmgangOvGensokyo #TouhouMetal
• « • t > с.ъпи GR¡»
Doujin Music,Holmgang Ov Gensokyo,touhou music,Touhou Project,Touhou, Тохо,Anime,Аниме,фэндомы,Metal,Metal,Metal Other,Anime Unsorted
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