Gender Dysphoria Nooooo! I'm a woman trapped in a man's body!!! Dysphorakh My brain is begging f / wh humor :: wh humor :: wh other :: Wh Other :: Necrons :: warhammer 40000 :: Warhammer 40000 (wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник) :: некроны :: necrons :: без перевода :: fandoms :: фэндомы

Necrons wh humor Wh Other без перевода некроны ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 
Gender Dysphoria Nooooo! I'm a woman trapped in a man's body!!! Dysphorakh My brain is begging for oxygen but my lungs are flat and stiff and they would not inflate! I need to breathe or I am going to die! As I try to claw at my own throat, desperate to clear the obstruction, there is nothing
Gender Dysphoria Nooooo! I'm a woman trapped in a man's body!!! Dysphorakh My brain is begging for oxygen but my lungs are flat and stiff and they would not inflate! I need to breathe or I am going to die! As I try to claw at my own throat, desperate to clear the obstruction, there is nothing there but solid metal.
Necrons,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,wh humor,Wh Other,без перевода,necrons,warhammer 40000,fandoms,wh humor,wh other,некроны
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Иногда в ваху завозят гримдарк самый настоящий, а не карикатурный.
Thunder dragon Thunder dragon 18.12.202303:12 ссылка
Иногда в ваху завозят гримдарк самый настоящий, а не карикатурный.
Всё хорошо пока ты не начинаешь погружаться в лор вахи. Начинается всё с прикольных мужиков в крутой броне. А потом узнаёшь о всяких сервиторах, Арко флагилянтах, жизни в городах ульях, некронах, тёмных эльдарах, и прочих прикольных штуках.
Вот бы исикайнутся в мир вархаммера
Велик шанс оказаться на аграрнике и всю жизнь провести не сильно отлично от оригинальной
qopik qopik 18.12.202310:13 ответить ссылка 25.3
Скорее всего даже хуже оригинальной. Реактора-то не будет.
Будет, но не тот...

Скорее на просто на рядовом цивилизованном мире. Будешь сидеть на их местном реакторе и обсуждать сбор десятины.

А вдруг мы все уже исекайнулись?

The Agri-World Viridian-eg begins its life in a state of unspoilt wilderness. Vast jungles, forests and open vistas play across its surface. Truly, it is nature in its truest form, a harkening to a time before human civilization. In other words, a wasted planet.

When the Imperium arrives, however, that quickly changes. When discovering a new planet, Mechanicum representatives, usually attached to an Imperial Navy or Rogue Trader ship, begin to scan it for useful resources. Let’s take a look at Viridian-eg now. It appears that the scans indicate moderate mineral wealth, but more importantly, a high level of rich topsoil, bountiful water reserves, and high nutrient content within its soil. Perfect for an Agri-World.

Once this has been determined, dispatches are made to the relevant agencies, and in a few short decades, the transformation into an agri-world will begin.

First, the Mechanicum moves through the world, and begins dismantling the ecosystems. Plants are assessed for any value they may possess, before being removed whole cloth. Useful lumber is kept, but all other vegetation is either processed into fuel for future use, or burned outright. Great lines of flame and machinery cut a swathe through the once-virgin world, leaving behind fields and carefully designed aqueducts and bore wells.

By the end of this process, the planet has been stripped bared, and its atmosphere filled with the greenhouse gas Carbon Dioxide, through the burning and decomposition of native vegetation, and the release of any CO2 sequestered in the soil.

At this point, the Mechanicum leaves, and the new inhabitants arrive, fully equipped with the latest in farming technology, produced all the way back in M30: they don’t make them like this anymore. Quickly, this group gets to work planting a planets worth of fields.

Once planted, the crops grow rapidly, aided by the introduction of engineered nutrient-fixing bacterial into the soil, and the high CO2 content of the atmosphere. These first few harvests will be the most productive the agri-world ever makes.

As production continues, the effects of such large-scale farming begin to make themselves known.

First, within a few decades, the rampant abuse of the water table leads some patches of Viridian-eg drying up. This effect is caused by over-drawing on the water table, releasing salt that would usually be sequestered in water, eventually leading to the area becoming arid and infertile. Rehabilitating this land is difficult, and may take several shipments of off-planet water, however these first patches are just the indication of a wider problem that will be faced in the future.

Next, the planet will begin to feel the effects of lost nutrients failing to be replenished. In the short term, this is ameliorated with the use of Ammonia and Phosphate fertilizers generated off-world, and with the introduction of fertilizer-producing livestock. However, the sheer size of the world mean that the rate of import will never match the speed of usage and exhaustion. Dependant on position, complete depletion could happen anywhere between 500-10,000 years for Phosphate, and approximately double that time for Ammonia, which can be produced using atmospheric nitrogen on a suitable world.

Meanwhile, the planet’s CO2 balance, which had been perfect for growth, begins to change, as the massive intake it received prior to its role as an agri-world vanishes, and the atmospheric carbon balance decreases, decreasing growing speed. This may be somewhat resisted by the introduction of certain forms of industry onto the surface, or through the exploitation of traditional ‘fossil fuels,’ however the end result is the same: the CO2 balance within the planet rebalances at a level lower than its pre-imperial state, and continues to lower slowly as yet more atmospheric carbon is processed through photo-synthesis and sent off-world. Additionally, due to the percentage production requirements, the other major source of CO2 balance regulation on current-day earth, the oceans, would not be applicable in this situation.

Eventually, should the Viridian-eg consistently survive against a myriad of day-to-day existential threats, like parasites, fungal infections, internal revolt, exterminates, feral orks, Tyrannid Hive Fleets, Necron Dynasties, Black Library Writers, Chaos, Perpetuals, Aliens, Mutants, Heretics, and extreme weather events, then it will find itself limited, shrunk, and then rendered unproductive as the continuing problems of arid land proliferation through water table depletion, irreversible nutrient depletion, and atmospheric CO2 imbalance, will render the planet unable to support large-scale growth operations in the future.

At this point, Viridian-eg is all but useless as an agri-world. It’s ecological balance has been damaged beyond repair, and it is quickly becoming unfit for sustaining life. Much of its surface has been rendered arid, and much of its water and soil made saline. Nutrient imports can’t keep up with demand, and atmospheric CO2 slows growth to a crawl. After a while, the Administratum cannot ignore the consistent failure of the planet to meet production quotas, and takes action, most likely changing the classification of the world.

And thus we come to the eventual doom of the Imperial Agri-World. Production on the scale required for the Imperium cannot go hand-in-hand with sustainable agricultural practices or ecology. As such, all Agri-Worlds are eventually doomed to fail, and be reclassified.

But in the grand scheme of things, this matters little. For remember, we are the Imperium, and we count the lives of planets, not men.
Выходит, что планету эксплуатируют неэффективно? Или есть конкретный расчет на срок жизни агромира. после чего он переклассифицируется для других целей?

Если первое, то Механикус - лохи, не умеющие в расчеты...
Механикусы могут в терраформинг. Они могут планету как оживить после вторжения тиранид (у Имперских Кос, кажется, планету так восстановили), так и приспособить малопригодные условия к нормальной жизни (Металлика, что ли, мир, превращенный специально в безжизненный металлическицй шар, на котором есть жизнь, но адмеховская). Это оехнологии времен аж 40к, даже не 30к.
Лучше кричать 5 веков около нурглитской бомбы ожидая фулгрима чем умереть в 80.
Ты так говоришь, потому что умрёшь в 80 или раньше.
А эхо крика хранителя традиций будет ещё долго лететь по галактике.
Я так говорю потому что хочу жить вечно. И судя по тому случаю становление дредноутом сильно продлевает жизнь.
Тут конечно моё ИМХО, но вечная жизнь - херня. Твой мозг начнёт забывать что-то из твоей молодости лет с 50 (это при том что у тебя будет хорошая память), если мы не учитываем факт старения остальной части тела (деградация мышц, хереющий иммунитет, сморщенная кожа), то вечная жизнь в таком темпе будет вечным альцгеймером с растянутым периодом здравомыслия. А у дредноутов жизнь вообще в основном в анабиозе происходит (при том что они иногда из-за этого с ума сходят).
Если для тебя вечная жизнь херня то у тебя хуёвое воображение.
Во первых Seedan прав во вторых бесконечная жизнь это бесконечный запас времени для того чтобы сделать прототипы идеального тела, протестировать его на аборигенах и доработанную версию производить для всех.
не знаю я начал вкатыватся в лор вахи с тиранидов
"Два Хвоста был самым старым и дряхлым в племени - ему было 38 стандартных лет".
Выходит Тразин пиздит всё что плохо приварено на одном дыхании...
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Dysphorakh My brain is begging for oxygen but my lungs are flat and stiff and they would not inflate! I need to breathe or I am going to die! As I try to claw at my own throat, desperate to clear the obstruction, there is nothing there but solid metal.