female commander
»Team Fortress 2 AK47 (Girls Frontline) Commander (Girls Frontline) crossover Makarov (Girls Frontline) Mosin-Nagant (Girls Frontline) Nagant Revolver (Girls Frontline) PK (Girls Frontline) PPSh-41 (Girls Frontline) Anime Unsorted Anime Team Fortress Игры Girls Frontline dragonith
Commander (Girls Frontline) FAL (Girls Frontline) Kalina (Girls Frontline) M16A1 (Girls Frontline) ST AR-15 (Girls Frontline) M4A1 (Girls Frontline) M4 SOPMOD II (Girls Frontline) Thunder (Girls Frontline) VECTOR (Girls Frontline) Anime Unsorted Anime Girls Frontline hinoborukaku C-MS (Girls Frontline)
Перевод перевел сам Игры UMP45 (Girls Frontline) UMP9 (Girls Frontline) HK416 (Girls Frontline) comics комикс комиксы на русском Anime Unsorted Anime Girls Frontline Anime Комиксы Micro Uzi (Girls Frotnline) SM1 (Girls Frontline) Persica (Girls Frontline) MP5 (Girls Frontline) comic манхва Commander (Girls Frontline) Girls Frontline Комиксы G11 (Girls Frontline)
Немного печальная история о dummy link-е UMP45
Гуляя по Пиксиву, я наткнулся на эту историю, которая меня очень тронула. Настолько, что я захотел её перевести. Не зная корейский. Несколько часов мучений с распознаванием текста и осмыслением каждой строки, и вот, перевод готов! Не ручаюсь за 100% точность, но хотя бы рассчитываю на читабельность. Надеюсь, что кому-нибудь кроме меня эта история тоже понравится.
crossover Doctor (Arknights) Amiya (Arknights) Kal'tsit (Arknights) Arknights комиксы без перевода M4 SOPMOD II (Girls Frontline) Saria (Arknights) Ifrit (Arknights) Anime Unsorted Anime фэндомы Arknights Anime Комиксы Игры Girls Frontline otakubouzu_87 Contender (Girls Frontline) Falcon (Girls Frontline) ballista (girls frontline) fnc (girls frontline) type 88 (girls frontline) Berezovich Kryuger (Girls Frontline) Beagle (Arknights) Fang (Arknights) Courier (Arknights) Tenzin (Arknights) Hellagur (Arknights) Kroos (Arknights) Commander (Girls Frontline) Gummy (Arknights) Girls Frontline Комиксы SilverAsh (Arknights) G36 (Girls Frontline) SPAS-12 (Girls Frontline) Silence (Arknights) RO635 (Girls Frontline) Jessica (Arknights)
So, if you following recent GFL or Arknight News, you would be now aware that both Arknights and Girls Frontline got a planned collaboration with Ubisoft. Well, technically its 'Sunborn x Ubisoft' and 'Hypergryph x Ubisoft' but it practically clear that its GFL and Arknights repsectively.
Everyone kinda hyped, so i am truthfully.
But can't help Ubisoft have some ulterior motive with having a collaboration with two IP at same time. Probably they hoping some easy promotion with this.
Anyway, i hope for the best with this collab, since i played both game.